英語助詞用法 |
about | above | after | against | and | around | as | at | beneath | between | beyond |
both | but | by | for | from | how | in | into | may | of | on |
since | than | that | to | under | until | what | when | where | which | who |
□The female urethra is much shorter than that of the male.
□The refractive power of the cornea is greater than that of the lens.
□The hope that he may recover is faint.
□I am reading the book that I bought yesterday.
□He said in court that he is innocent.
□It is believed that atopy is hereditary in nature.
(=Atopy is believed to be hereditary in nature.)
□Then, two years ago, his life started to fall apart.
□Atopy is believed to be hereditary in nature.
□Lipid droplets exhibit an extremely high affinity to osmium tetroxide.
□The following 31 ingredients shall not be used under any circumstances.
□Amalgam should not be carved until it is sufficiently firm.
□What is the patient's name?
□I don't know what he is talking about.
□What time is it now?
□When did you return to the school yesterday?
□When I am in the car, I don't smoke.
□Prolactin secretion is one of the last pituitary functions to disappear when the pituitary is injured.
□Where is your home?
□Where does he live now?
□Nobody knows where his office is.
□The collecting tubule is the excretory duct which conveys urine to the renal pelvis.
□Who are you?
□I don't know who he is.
□The overall death rate is reduced among women who used high-dose oral contraceptives.