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  1. [a]
    □They work in Peru for the equivalent of $120 a month.
    □How often do you urinate a day?

  2. [about]
    □Have any question about your health?
    □In adults, the alimentary canal is about 30 feet long.
    □Be careful about your health.

  3. [absorb]
    □Carbohydrate is absorbed from the intestine mainly in the form of glucose.

  4. [accept]
    □Chlorine is an oxidizing agent when it accepts electrons from the sodium, and chlorine is reduced to chloride ion.

  5. [accommodate]
    □The stomach can accommodate two to three liters of material when distended.

  6. [accompany]
    □Ulceration of the skin over the legs may accompany the hereditary hemolytic anemia.

  7. [accomplish]
    □Sterilization may be accomplished by filtration or treatment with microbicidal agents.

  8. [according to]
    According to the doctor's account, the patient was discharged 3 days ago.
    According to news reports, two hospitals in the city were under quarantine.
    □The PCR products were purified using a DNA fragment purification kit according to the maker's instructions.
    □The degree of labelling may increased or decreased according to the pH of the buffer used.
    □Teeth are divided into four types according to the function they perform.
    □Motility differs greatly according to the type of cell.
    □Unfortunately, the trial showed that such an intervention was ineffective, according to the report.

  9. [account for]
    □A new research shows that being overweight accounted for the greatest percentage of esophagus adenocarcinomas.
    □Brain tumors account for approximately 2 percent of all cancer deaths.

  10. [accumulation]
    □Obesity is an excessive accumulation of energy in the form of body fat.

  11. [accumulate]
    □At the end of a food chain, polar bears accumulate toxic chemicals.

  12. [achieve]
    □A survival rate of about 80% can be achieved with combined medical and surgical therapy.
    □After initial chemotherapy, an almost complete remission was achieved.

  13. [acknowledge]
    □The authors acknowledge with great appreciation the expert technical assistance of Jason Powell.

  14. [across]
    □Meteors streak across the night sky.

  15. [action]
    □A bee sting is painful and the action of venom can last for several days.

  16. [actively]
    □Calcitonin lowers actively the concentration of calcium in the plasma.

  17. [actually]
    □Demographers predict that the country's population will actually start declining in 2007.

  18. [adequate]
    □Control of whooping cough rests mainly on adequate active immunization of all infants.

  19. [adherence]
    □The initial event in thrombosis appears to be the adherence of platelets to the inner wall of a vessel.

  20. [admit]
    □A 30 year old male patient with a malignancy was admitted to hospital for a course of chemotherapy.

  21. [affect]
    □A painful knee joint can severely affect your ability to lead a full active life.
    □Depression affect nearly one in 10 US adults each year, but experts say the disease is treatable in most cases.
    □Physiologic factors affect body temperature.
    □The skeletal muscle is anchored by tendons to the bone and is used to affect skeletal movement such as locomotion.
    □The tongue is the most commonly affected site.
    □The tumor affects adults more frequently than children.

  22. [affected]
    □The illness lasts for a few weeks and then gradually improves in most of the affected people.

  23. [after]
    After antibodies to a particular antigen have been produced by the plasma cells, they are released into the circulation.
    After their removal, recurrence is rare.
    □Patients may lose their sight if they receive nitrous oxide anesthesia within one month after having retinal surgery.
    □The patient died of multiorgan failure after 15 days of hospitalization.

  24. [against]
    □The judge ruled that the testimony against them was not credible.

  25. [age]
    □About 50 people, ranging in age from children to the elderly, were in the church at the time.
    □He became a medical doctor at the age of 35.
    □Males are affected more frequently than females at all ages.

  26. [ago]
    □Most of the deaths were among workers who were exposed to the asbesto decades ago.
    □The patient is a 28 year old female who was diagnosed with gastritis four years ago.

  27. [aid]
    □70 human temporal bones were analyzed with the aid of an otologic microscope.

  28. [aim]
    □The aim of this study was to analyze various methods for transfection of primary leukemia cells and leukemia cell lines and to improve the efficiency of gene delivery.
    □The aim was to find out the relationship between chewing and smoking habit and anatomic site of the cancer in oral cavity.
    □The sculpture, entitled 'Master of Suspense,' aims to convey the scale and drama of cinema.

  29. [all]
    All values were expressed as mean±SD. (*SD=standard deviation`標準偏差`)

  30. [allergic]
    Allergic reactions may occur on the gingiva and oral mucosa.
    □Many patients are allergic to the neomycin and develop allergic contact dermatitis.

  31. [allow]
    □Five milliliters of venous blood is withdrawn and allowed to clot in a test tube.
    □The bursae are fluid-filled sacs that cushion and pad bony prominences, allowing muscles and tendons to move freely over the bone.

  32. [almost]
    □The connective tissue is almost always infiltrated by plasma cells and lymphocytes.

  33. [also]
    □In the literature, chronic active hepatitis is referred to also as "chronic aggressive hepatitis".
    □It also occurs spontaneously.
    □Stomatitis venenata can also be termed contact stomatitis.
    □The treatment of the enormous numbers of cases also is impractical both economically and therapeutically.

  34. [although]

    Although it has been outlawed, torture is believed to be widely used by authorities.

  35. [always]
    □The connective tissue is almost always infiltrated by plasma cells and lymphocytes.

  36. [amalgam]
    □Falun Gong is an amalgam of religions, meditation and exercises that the Chinese government considers a dangerous cult.

  37. [among]
    □At least 15 UN peacekeepers were believed to be among the dead from a plane crash in Benin two days ago.

  38. [amount]
    □The presence of an abnormal amount of fluid in the tissues is called edema.

  39. [analyze]
    □70 human temporal bones were analyzed with the aid of an otologic microscope.
    □The aim of this study was to analyze various methods for transfection of primary leukemia cells and leukemia cell lines and to improve the efficiency of gene delivery.

  40. [anchor]
    □The skeletal muscle is anchored by tendons to the bone and is used to affect skeletal movement such as locomotion.

  41. [anesthesia]
    □An optic nerve sheath fenestration is usually performed bilaterally under general anesthesia.
    □The pharynx is anesthetized with topical anesthesia.

  42. [anesthetize]
    □The pharynx is anesthetized with topical anesthesia.

  43. [animal]
    □Cloned animals often die at or near the time of birth.
    □The guinea pig is an excellent experimental animal for studying anaphylaxis.

  44. [apparent]
    □An apparent fibrinoid necrosis is rarely seen.

  45. [appear]
    □Antioxidants appear to reduce cellular damage caused by free radicals.
    □The initial event in thrombosis appears to be the adherence of platelets to the inner wall of a vessel.
    □The patient appears pale and weak.

  46. [appliance]
    □If you take part in contact sports such as rugby, always wear a guard to protect both your appliances and your teeth.

  47. [apply]
    □Chen applied for political asylum in a letter to Australia's immigration department on May 25.

  48. [approximately]
    Approximately 70 per cent of the volume of plaque is composed of bacterial cells.

  49. [around]
    □The subjects suffered high fever around 40 degrees centigrade.

  50. [arrange]
    □This society has become really unfair. With money and connections, you can arrange anything.
    □Lipomas consist of normal fat cells often arranged in lobules.

  51. [as]
    As described above, elastase has a broad spectrum of proteolytic activity.
    □Microbial toxins are usually grouped as exotoxins or endotoxins.
    □Paraformaldehyde is used as a source of formaldehyde.
    □He was injured as an explosive device was detonated.
    □In the literature, chronic active hepatitis is referred to also as "chronic aggressive hepatitis".
    □The mercury in fish may not be as toxic as many people think.
    □We present a case of lung metastasis manifesting as lung infarction by mucin and tumor embolization.

  52. [as a result of]
    As a result of that finding, the decision was made to exclude her from her PhD candidature.

  53. [as long as]
    □The microbes are pretty indiscriminate in terms of mucous membranes they choose to travel along as long as the locks are open.

  54. [as well as]
    □The pediatric physicians diagnose and treat health problems of children and youth through age 21, as well as provide primary and preventive care.
    □While acne cannot be prevented nor cured, there are treatments to help lessen the severity of the acne as well as to avoid scars and infection.

  55. [assay]
    □ATP release is assayed using a luminescent marker.

  56. [assistance]
    □The authors acknowledge with great appreciation the expert technical assistance of Jason Powell.
    □The authors thank Ms. Yumiko Kondo for her excellent technical assistance.

  57. [(be) associated with]
    □One case of tuberculous salpingitis was associated with adenomatous hyperplasia of the tubal lining.
    □Pericarditis is typically associated with an exudate in the pericardial cavity.

  58. [asymptomatic]
    □One of the major problems associated with genital chlamydial infection is that it may be asymptomatic.

  59. [at]
    □Bloody fingerprints were found at the crime scene.
    □He became a medical doctor at the age of 35.
    □Males are affected more frequently than females at all ages.

  60. [at birth]
    □Low weight at birth may impair man's fertility.

  61. [at least]
    □Normal hemoglobin is comprised of at least three distinct types that are present in varying amounts.

  62. [at night]
    □Treatment of denture stomatitis consists of rigid attention to oral hygiene and removal of the dentures at night.

  63. [atopy]
    □If the allergic response is due to a nonbacterial foreign protein, such as fish, milk, or pollen, the process is designated atopy.

  64. [attempt]
    □The airplane attempted an emergency landing in a storm.

  65. [attribute]
    □One death was attributed to an intubation accident.

  66. [available]
    □The journal is now available full-text online at www.xxx.com.
    □Instructions on how to register your journal online will be available on the site during late March.

  67. [average]
    □The average incubation period for mumps is 18 days, with a range of 12 to 24 days.

  68. [avoid]
    □Care must be taken to avoid puncturing the liver on the right.
    □Premature traction on the breech must be avoided. (*breech`しり`)

  69. [barely]
    □Most patients can barely count the fingers in front of their face.

  70. [basics]
    □This is a great book to help you understand the basics of chelation.

  71. [battle]
    □He died on Sunday at his home in Tokyo after a battle with cancer.

  72. [be]
    □Further study is necessary.
    □I think he is dead.
    □Normal hemoglobin is comprised of at least three distinct types that are present in varying amounts.
    □The opposite adrenal is atrophic.
    □The main emphasis of the book is clinical.
    □The lens is elastic in the young but becomes harder and sclerosed with age.
    □The BSP test is one of several tests to check liver function.
    □Vibrios are mobile, possessing a single polar flagellum.
    □Viral pneumonias are of the interstitial type.

  73. [because of]
    □A thaw of the Arctic icecap is accelerating because of global warming.
    Because of discrepant diagnoses in the double-blind study, eight cases were eliminated from the study group, leaving a total of 45 cases.
    □He does not eat pork because of his religion.

  74. [become]
    □Both the liver and spleen become enlarged.
    □He became a doctor at the age of 32.
    □He has said that he does not know what's become of Saddam.
    □Her son became ill with leukemia.
    □The lens is elastic in the young but becomes harder and sclerosed with age.
    □This society has become really unfair. With money and connections, you can arrange anything.

  75. [before]
    Before injections, all animals displayed normal circadian changes in body temperature.
    □Let us go home before it gets dark.

  76. [begin]
    □The patient collapsed on the floor screaming in pain and began vomiting blood.

  77. [believe]
    □Although it has been outlawed, torture is believed to be widely used by authorities.
    □At least 15 UN peacekeepers were believed to be among the dead from a plane crash in Benin two days ago.
    □Atopy is believed to be hereditary in nature.
    □In other persons, the lesion is believed to be of viral origin.
    □Some workers believe that …
    □Some believe that …
    □Surgical removal of diseased bone is believed to enhance healing.
    □We believed that OCP has an important role in biological mineralization.

  78. [benefit]
    □Physicians will benefit from information on testing for measles at this website.

  79. [benign]
    □The lesion is benign and may regress spontaneously.

  80. [between]
    □The relation between prolonged exposure to sunlight and skin cancer has been recognized for many years.
    □Shortening the interval between chemotherapy treatments may help reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence.

  81. [bilaterally]
    □An optic nerve sheath fenestration is usually performed bilaterally under general anesthesia.

  82. [bind]
    □On injection into the bloodstream, it is mostly bound to serum albumin.

  83. [biopsy]
    □Liver tissue was obtained from all patients by percutaneous biopsy performed for diagnostic purposes and from the normal livers at autopsy.
    □Analysis of a gastric biopsy specimen revealed reactive foveolar hyperplasia and chronic inflammation, but was negative for tumor.

  84. [birth]
    □Cloned animals often die at or near the time of birth.
    □give birth to a baby boy,

  85. [bleeding]
    □Unlike the peptic ulcer, stress ulcers may first be recognized by gastrointestinal bleeding.

  86. [blood]
    Blood samples were collected in heparinized capillary tubes from tail vein.

  87. [block] □Ischemic stroke occurs when an artery to the brain is blocked.

  88. [bloodstream]
    □On injection into the bloodstream, it is mostly bound to serum albumin.
    □Shock may occur when endotoxin is circulating in the bloostream.

  89. [body]
    □The liver is the heaviest gland in the body.

  90. [body temperature]
    □Physiologic factors affect body temperature.
    □The estimation of body temperature is usually carried out by means of the clinical thermometer.

  91. [both]
    □Fibroblast growth factor has been shown to stimulate both systemic and local osteogenesis in vivo.
    □For both sexes, abuse was tied to a higher risk of depression.
    □Indigestion and heartburn are common problems for both kids and grownups.

  92. [breeding]
    □Goats were purchased from local breeding farms.

  93. [bruise]
    □A child with leukemia may bruise easily or have increased bleeding from small cuts.

  94. [build]
    □Abdominal fullness occurs when excess gas builds up in the digestive tract.
    □The mercury that builds up in the flesh of fish may be less dangerous than people feared.

  95. [but]
    □A special effort has been made to present the material succinctly but without sacrificing clarity.
    But researchers cautioned that more study is needed to confirm the finding.
    □The lens is elastic in the young but becomes harder and sclerosed with age.
    □In tuberculosis, the lungs are primarily involved, but the infection can spread to other organs.
    □The disease may be encountered at any age, but is most common in children.
    □The patient is in a critical but stable condition at the intensive care unit.
    □The submandibular gland is variable in size but about half the size of the parotid.

  96. [by]
    □Aldosterone is a hormone provoking the reabsorption of sodium by the kidney.
    □Subpleurally located consolidations on high-resolution CT correlated well with the histologic findings of lung infarction by mucin and tumor emboli.

  97. [by means of]
    □The estimation of body temperature is usually carry out by means of the clinical thermometer.

  98. [can]
    □Occlusal trauma can produce migration or loosening of teeth.
    □A survival rate of about 80% can be achieved with combined medical and surgical therapy.

  99. [care]
    □Care must be taken to avoid puncturing the liver on the right.

  100. [carry out]
    □The estimation of body temperature is usually carried out by means of the clinical thermometer.

  101. [cause]
    □If the cause is removed, the condition regresses.
    □Infection cannot be eradicated until the stone and its cause are removed.
    □Treatment of this disease consists of removal of the cause.
    □Antioxidants appear to reduce cellular damage caused by free radicals.
    □In very rare circumstances, denture stomatitis may be caused by contact allergy to the denture material.
    □Infectious diseases are caused by a variety of microorganisms, including bacteria.
    □Malocclusion is common and is caused by numerous factors.
    □No treatment is indicated for pelvic or calceal stones that cause few or no symptoms and produce no obstruction.
    □Obesity is well known to cause insulin resistance.
    □Portal hypertension is caused by obstruction of the portal vein.
    □Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that causes stiffness and pain in the joints.
    □The principal disease caused by the pneumococcus is lobar pneumonia.
    □This hemorrhage was caused by blows with a blunt instrument.
    □When the tissue lining the uterus grows outside of the uterus, it can cause abnormal vaginal bleeding.
    □You caused me to do this.

  102. [caution]
    □But researchers cautioned that more study is needed to confirm the finding.

  103. [change]
    □The culture medium was changed twice a week.
    □As SARS is a diagnosis of exclusion, the status of a reported case may change over time.

  104. [characteristic]
    □Severe pain in the bone is very characteristic.
    □Loss of regenerative ability in cells is a characteristic of aging.
    □The epithelial cells show all characteristics of malignancy.

  105. [check]
    □The BSP test is one of several tests to check liver function.

  106. [classify]
    □The patients were classified into two groups with good and poor prognosis respectively.

  107. [check]
    □The BSP test is one of several tests to check liver function.

  108. [clinical trial]
    □In the United States, about two thirds of children with leukemia enroll in a clinical trial.

  109. [clinically]
    Clinically, the disease is a respiratory infection with fever, prostration, and muscle pains.

  110. [clot]
    □Five milliliters of venous blood is withdrawn and allowed to clot in a test tube.

  111. [collapse]
    □The patient collapsed on the floor screaming in pain and began vomiting blood.

  112. [collect]
    Collected samples of food were dried at 65C to a constant mass.
    □Blood samples were collected in heparinized capillary tubes from tail vein.

  113. [combat]
    □Only few medical products have been conclusively proven to combat hair loss.

  114. [common]
    □Endometriosis is the second most common reason for women to have a hysterectomy.
    □Hypoalbuminaemia is common in critically ill children with shock.
    □Like many other countries in South East Asia, oral cancer is one of the common cancers in Bangladesh.
    □Malocclusion is common and is caused by numerous factors.

  115. [compare]
    □Structurally the eyeball often has been compared to a camera.

  116. [complain]
    □He complains about incessant criticism from rivals.

  117. [complete]
    □After initial chemotherapy, an almost complete remission was achieved.

  118. [completely]
    □It takes several years to cure it completely.

  119. [complication]
    □The subchoroidal hemorrhage is the most serious complication of the ophthalmic surgery.

  120. [comprise]
    □Normal hemoglobin is comprised of at least three distinct types that are present in varying amounts.

  121. [concern]
    □The possible risks of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields for the human body is a growing concern for our society.

  122. [concerning]
    □But controversy still exists concerning its effectiveness.

  123. [condition]
    □Only few medical products have been conclusively proven to combat hair loss.
    □Ten people remain in serious condition.
    □The patient is in a critical condition at the intensive care unit.
    □The workers protested poor living conditions.
    □Under normal conditions, the pleural space remains a potential rather than an actual space.

  124. [confirm]
    □But researchers cautioned that more study is needed to confirm the finding.

  125. [confirmatory]
    □A blood sample from the patient should be obtained for confirmatory testing for measles antibodies.

  126. [conform to]
    □Papers that do not conform to the general criteria for publication will be returned immediately.

  127. [connect]
    □The device weighs less than 0.95 kg and can be connected to a laptop computer.
    □The terminal urinary excretory passage connecting the bladder to the exterior is the urethra.

  128. [consequence]
    □Side effect is the secondary consequence for which an agent is implemented.

  129. [consider]
    □The statistical associations were considered significant when the p-value was <0.05.

  130. [consist of]
    □Lipomas consist of normal fat cells often arranged in lobules.
    □The operation team consisted of more than 60 people.
    □Treatment of denture stomatitis consists of rigid attention to oral hygiene and removal of the dentures at night.
    □Treatment of this disease consists of removal of the cause.

  131. [consult]
    □Foreign authors are encouraged to consult native English speakers prior to submitting manuscripts.

  132. [contact]
    □If you have any questions, please contact the Jedo Office at info@jedo.jp.

  133. [contain]
    □Beijing tried to stop people from traveling to the vast countryside in a frantic effort to contain the deadly virus.

  134. [continue]
    □The parotid glands continue to enlarge for two to three days, and then the swelling regresses.
    □Universe may burn out and die if it continues expanding.

  135. [contribute to]
    □Malnutrition may contribute to development of cirrhosis.
    □This endotoxin probably contributes to the irritation of the bowel wall.

  136. [control]
    □Cell numbers within the body are rigorously controlled.
    Control of whooping cough rests mainly on adequate active immunization of all infants.
    □The course of oculogenesis is genetically controlled by genes.

  137. [convert]
    □Glucose is converted to glycogen for storage.

  138. [convey]
    □The excretory passages convey urine from the kidney to the exterior.

  139. [correlate with]
    □Subpleurally located consolidations on high-resolution CT correlated well with the histologic findings of lung infarction by mucin and tumor emboli.

  140. [count]
    □The attached cells were harvested by trypsinization and counted using a hemocytometer.

  141. [counteract]
    □Dromotropic action of digitalis must be counteracted but without any interference with its favorable effect on the heart muscle contractability.

  142. [counterfeit]
    □Governments must cooperate to stop the global spread of counterfeit drugs.

  143. [course]
    □The course of oculogenesis is genetically controlled by genes.

  144. [cover]
    □About 70% of the surface of this planet is covered by salt water.

  145. [create]
    □Ninety percent of our energy is created by oxygen.

  146. [curative]
    □Local excision should be curative.

  147. [cure]
    □It takes several years to cure it completely.

  148. [crucial]
    □The elimination of endemic measles from the United States has been a national goal since the introduction of measles vaccine, and measles surveillance has been crucial to guide the elimination efforts.

  149. [damage]
    □A moderate earthquake shook northeastern Japan on Saturday, but no damage or injuries were reported.

  150. [dangerous]
    □The mercury that builds up in the flesh of fish may be less dangerous than people feared.

  151. [data]
    Data were expressed as mean±SD.

  152. [day]
    □Each day, 24 h food consumption was determined by weighing food supplied and that left over.
    □The patient died of multiorgan failure after 15 days of hospitalization.

  153. [deal with]
    □Fundamentally, computers just deal with numbers.
    □Pathology deals with the alterations in structure and function of the body caused by disease.

  154. [death]
    □Most of the deaths were among workers who were exposed to the asbesto decades ago.

  155. [debate]
    □The etiology is unsettled and much debated.

  156. [declare]
    □The patient was declared brain-dead.

  157. [define]
    □Marriage is defined as the union of a man and a woman.

  158. [dehydrate]
    □Paraffin sections, 5-um thick, were deparaffinized in xylene, dehydrated in ethanol, and dried in air.

  159. [demonstrate]
    □An antibody rise should be demonstrated during the course of the illness.

  160. [deny]
    □A woman with a guide dog was denied entry to a restaurant.

  161. [deparaffinize]
    □Paraffin sections, 5-um thick, were deparaffinized in xylene, dehydrated in ethanol, and dried in air.

  162. [depend on]
    □The quality of ultrasonic imaging depends on 1) equipment, 2) examination technique, and 3) interpretation.

  163. [decomposition]
    □It was considered that ingestion of small amount of hydrogen peroxide would produce no toxicological effects due to rapid decomposition of the chemical by the enzyme catalase of the intestinal cells.

  164. [deprive]
    □He was deprived of sleep during 10 days of interrogation until he signed documents pleading guilty to murder.

  165. [derive]
    □These technical terms derive from Latin.
    □The word "atom" is derived from the Greek "atomos" meaning "indivisible".

  166. [describe]
    □As described above, elastase has a broad spectrum of proteolytic activity.
    □Colloidal gold with a diameter of about 14 nm was prepared as described by Frens (1973).
    □In this report, we describe 5 cases of MHL presenting in adults.
    □The author describes a system that bonds to both wet and dry surfaces.

  167. [designate]
    □If the allergic response is due to a nonbacterial foreign protein, such as fish, milk, or pollen, the process is designated atopy.

  168. [detect]
    □Tumor marker was not detected in any case.

  169. [determine]
    □An obvious cause of death could not be determined at autopsy.
    □An X-ray of the injured area may be of value to determine the presence of fractures.
    □Each day, 24 h food consumption was determined by weighing food supplied and that left over.
    □The presence of fractures can be determined by radiography.
    □The white blood cell count determines the total number of leukocytes in the blood sample.

  170. [develop]
    □Infection occasionally develops secondary to a renal or ureteral stone.
    □Many patients are allergic to the neomycin and develop allergic contact dermatitis.
    □Premature infants are more likely to develop jaundice than full-term babies.
    □The hepatitis patients do not always develop jaundice.
    □Women using oral contraceptives are considerably less likely to develop ovarian cysts than those not taking the pill.

  171. [development]
    development of the submandibular gland,
    □Malnutrition may contribute to development of cirrhosis.
    □The thymus varies in size and development with the age of the individual.

  172. [device]
    □The device weighs less than 0.98 kg and can be connected to a laptop computer.

  173. [devise]
    □The Gram staining method, named after the Danish bacteriologist who originally devised it in 1882 (published 1884), Hans Christian Gram, is one of the most important staining techniques in microbiology.

  174. [diagnose]
    □The disease was diagnosed in a 78-year-old woman who was admitted to hospital with fever and hip pain.
    □The patient is a 28 years old female who was diagnosed with gastritis four years ago.
    □Two years earlier, the patient had been diagnosed with anemia.
    □Whooping cough has been diagnosed in more than two dozen medical workers at the same hospital in the past three weeks.

  175. [diagnosis]
    □The diagnosis is made at the time of routine physical examination.
    □From the history and physical examination, a diagnosis can often be established.

  176. [diameter]
    □Colloidal gold with a diameter of about 14 nm was prepared as described by Frens (1973).

  177. [die]
    □Cloned animals often die at or near the time of birth.
    □He died on Sunday at his home in Tokyo after a battle with cancer.

  178. [die from]
    □He saw many inmates die from overwork and starvation.

  179. [die of]
    □Nearly 150 people have died of SARS and thousands been infected by it around the world.
    □The patient died of multiorgan failure after 15 days of hospitalization.

  180. [differentiate]
    □The stem cells within the marrow cavity have the capacity to differentiate into erythrocytes, granulocytes, megakaryocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes.

  181. [disappear]
    □The lesion do not respond to treatment but disappears spontaneously.

  182. [discover]
    □In 1874, Hansen discovered the microorganism responsible for leprosy.
    □Insulin coma therapy was a commonly used therapy for schizophrenia from the 1930s until the first antipsychotic drugs were discovered in the 1950s.

  183. [discussion]
    Discussion with a gastroenterologist should be considered.

  184. [dismiss]
    □A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit by AOL against a group of Florida computer technicians.

  185. [display]
    □Before injections, all animals displayed normal circadian changes in body temperature.
    □This page cannot be displayed due to an internal error.

  186. [distend]
    □The stomach can accommodate two to three liters of material when distended.

  187. [distinct]
    □Extrafacial granuloma faciale closely resembles erythema elevatum diutinum; however, they are distinct entities which can be differentiated from each other.

  188. [distribute]
    □Plasma cells are distributed homogeneously throughout the lamina propia of the small intestine.

  189. [do]
    □The cause of death was under investigation and an autopsy would be done on Friday.

  190. [drug therapy]
    □The drug therapy has not helped in the past and the doctors are thinking that removal of the rest of the stomach may be necessary.

  191. [dry]
    □Paraffin sections, 5-um thick, were deparaffinized in xylene, dehydrated in ethanol, and dried in air.
    □Collected samples of food and all were dried at 65C to a constant mass.
    □The slides were air dried.

  192. [due to]
    □Diabetes is rising in the rich world but the death rate from it is falling due to early detection and better treatment.
    □If the allergic response is due to a nonbacterial foreign protein, such as fish, milk, or pollen, the process is designated atopy.
    □This page cannot be displayed due to an internal error.
    □This poor outcome is due mainly to the high relapse rate after initial chemotherapy.

  193. [duplicate]
    □The researchers said that they became suspicious when they were unable to duplicate their original findings.

  194. [during]
    □Ameloblastoma is a tumor originating from the cells forming the enamel organ during odontogenesis.
    □Babies are more likely to suffer from asthma if their mothers were exposed to pollen during the last three months of pregnancy.
    □Contraceptive measures should be employed during treatment.
    During mumps infection, the virus is shed heavily in respiratory secretions.
    □The 25-year old patient with placenta accreta experienced significant bleeding during a hysterectomy.

  195. [dye]
    □Fluorescein is a yellow dye which glows in visible light.

  196. [each]
    Each day, 24 h food consumption was determined by weighing food supplied and that left over.
    Each year cardiovascular diseases take the lives of nearly half a million women in America.

  197. [early]
    □The transitional cell carcinoma metastasizes early.

  198. [easily]
    □A child with leukemia may bruise easily or have increased bleeding from small cuts.

  199. [effective]
    □In the stomach hydrochloric acid provides the acid environment in which pepsin is most effective.
    □No effective treatment is known.

  200. [effort]
    □A special effort has been made to present the material succinctly but without sacrificing clarity.

  201. [either 〜 or]
    □It may occur in either a child or an adult.
    □Since a side effect may be either beneficial or harmful, specific terminology should be used.
    □The CVP can be measured near the right atrium in either the superior or the inferior vena cava.
    □When some chemicals are dissolved, heat may be either generated or absorbed from the surroundings.

  202. [elastic]
    □The lens is elastic in the young but becomes harder and sclerosed with age.

  203. [eliminate]
    □Because of discrepant diagnoses in the double-blind study, eight cases were eliminated from the study group, leaving a total of 45 cases.
    □Closing the gap in tuberculosis rates is essential if tuberculosis is to be eliminated in our country.

  204. [elucidate]
    □The role of X at these locations remains to be elucidated.

  205. [embed]
    □All tissues were fixed in buffered 10% formalin and embedded in paraffin.

  206. [emergency]
    □In an emergency, it may be necessary to proceed without waiting for x-ray films.

  207. [emphasis]
    □The main emphasis of the book is clinical.

  208. [employ]
    □Contraceptive measures should be employed during treatment.

  209. [encounter]
    □The disease may be encountered at any age, but is most common in children.

  210. [end]
    □At the end of a food chain, polar bears accumulate toxic chemicals.

  211. [endotoxin]
    □Shock may occur when endotoxin is circulating in the bloostream.

  212. [enhance] □Surgical removal of diseased bone is believed to enhance healing.

  213. [enlarge]
    □The parotid glands continue to enlarge for two to three days, and then the swelling regresses.
    □Both the liver and spleen become enlarged.

  214. [enough]
    □Alkali metals are soft enough to cut with a knife.
    □These structures are large enough to be visible in the light microscope.

  215. [enroll]
    □In the United States, about two thirds of children with leukemia enroll in a clinical trial.

  216. [entirely]
    □The crystal protein is highly insoluble in normal conditions, so it is entirely safe to humans.

  217. [entitle]
    □The sculpture, entitled 'Master of Suspense,' aims to convey the scale and drama of cinema.

  218. [equivalent]
    □They work in Peru for the equivalent of $120 a month.

  219. [eradicate]
    □Infection cannot be eradicated until the stone and its cause are removed.

  220. [essential]
    □An understanding of the nature of oral disease is essential to any type of clinical success.
    □Closing the gap in tuberculosis rates is essential if tuberculosis is to be eliminated in our country.
    □Finding blood in your vomit can be alarming and promptly identifying the cause is essential.
    □Lymphatic vessels are essential for the prevention of tissue edema.
    □Proper functioning of the urinary system is essential to life.

  221. [establish]
    establish a world record,
    □From the history and physical examination, a diagnosis can often be established.
    □To establish the diagnosis of tuberculosis, the organisms must be identified in the tissues, either with appropriate stains or by culture methods.

  222. [establishment]
    □The hospitalized patient can, at any time, leave the establishment apart from exceptions stated by law.

  223. [estimation]
    □The estimation of body temperature is usually carried out by means of the clinical thermometer.

  224. [etiology]
    □The etiology is unsettled and much debated.

  225. [exactly]
    □A rocket is exactly the same thing as a missile.

  226. [examination]
    □The diagnosis is made at the time of routine physical examination.
    □The examination of the heart should follow the usual routine of inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation.

  227. [examine]
    □Any child with a vaginal wound should be examined under anesthesia.

  228. [except]
    □The physical examination is normal except for left forearm.
    □The prognosis is generally good with infections localized to the lungs, except when they are caused by drug-resistant bacteria.

  229. [excise]
    □The tumor can metastasize and should be widely excised.

  230. [exclude]
    □As a result of that finding, the decision was made to exclude her from her PhD candidature.

  231. [exhibit]
    □Many natural objects exhibits an optical property known as double refraction.

  232. [exist]
    □But controversy still exists concerning its effectiveness.

  233. [exocrine]
    □Acinar cell carcinomas are rare malignant tumor of the exocrine pancreas.

  234. [experience]
    □Patients who experience a foreign body of the cornea generally present with mild, moderate, or occasionally severe pain.
    □Some of the patients who suffered high fever, experienced hair loss three to four month after the illness.
    □The 25-year old patient with placenta accreta experienced significant bleeding during a hysterectomy.
    □The patient experiences severe pain with passive extension of the fingers.

  235. [expose]
    □She wants to expose the full truth to the public.
    □Babies are more likely to suffer from asthma if their mothers were exposed to pollen during the last three months of pregnancy.
    □Most of the deaths were among workers who were exposed to the asbesto decades ago.

  236. [exposure]
    □Occupational exposure to asbestos fibers is associated with pleural and parenchymal lung diseases.
    □Stinging seaweed disease is a skin irritation caused by direct exposure to a poisonous type of algae named Lyngbya majuscula.

  237. [express]
    □All values were expressed as mean±SD.
    □Data were expressed as mean±1SD.
    □Unless otherwise stated, data are expressed as the median and range.

  238. [extinguish]
    □During development, telomerase expression is extinguished after embryonic differentiation in most cells.

  239. [evacuate]
    □Hundreds of villagers were evacuated from a mountainous area as Typhoon Talim pounded eastern Taiwan with powerful winds and torrential rains.

  240. [eventually]
    □The tongue becomes weak on the affected side and eventually wastes away.

  241. [every]
    □Prostate carcinoma is said to be present in one of every five men over the age of 60 years.

  242. [evidence]
    □Her autopsy found no evidence of drugs.
    □in the present study, evidence is presented that ...
    □There was no evidence of metastasis nor direct invasion to the neighboring organs.
    □There was no evidence of recurrence of the lung cancer.

  243. [excise]
    □If excised, it does not recur.
    □The tumor can metastasize and should be widely excised.

  244. [factor]
    □Physiologic factors affect body temperature.

  245. [failure]
    □In aplastic anemia, there is a failure of maturation of blood-forming cells.

  246. [fall]
    □When the 5-year-old boy ran home bleeding and weeping, his family first thought he had injured himself in a fall.

  247. [fat]
    □Long-term stress could make people fat.

  248. [filtration]
    □Sterilization may be accomplished by filtration or treatment with microbicidal agents.

  249. [find]
    □Her autopsy found no evidence of drugs.
    □In this study, we found that …
    □Bloody fingerprints were found at the crime scene.

  250. [finding]
    □Candidiasis is another common finding in patients with xerostomia.
    □The researchers said that they became suspicious when they were unable to duplicate their original findings.

  251. [fight]
    □The World Health Organization warned that China still lacked the equipment and expertise to fight the disease.

  252. [fix]
    □All tissue specimens were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and paraffin-embedded.
    □All tissues were fixed in buffered 10% formalin and embedded in paraffin.

  253. [for]
    □The guinea pig is an excellent experimental animal for studying anaphylaxis.
    □Impotence still a taboo subject for men.

  254. [foreign body]
    □Patients who experience a foreign body of the cornea generally present with mild, moderate, or occasionally severe pain.

  255. [form]
    □An periodontal abscess forms at the base of a deep periodontal pocket.
    □Chemistry, physics, biology, and mathematics taken together form the natural sciences.
    □Estradiol is formed by the ovary, placenta, and possibly the adrenal cortex.
    □Reticular tissue forms the framework of lymphoid organs, bone marrow, and liver.

  256. [framework]
    □Reticular tissue forms the framework of lymphoid organs, bone marrow, and liver.

  257. [free]
    □Fuel cell locomotive could free subways from grid. (*grid`送電網`)

  258. [frequently]
    □It occurs more frequently in males than in females.
    □The tumor affects adults more frequently than children.

  259. [from]
    □Hormone secretion from the anterior pituitary gland is regulated by hormones secreted by the hypothalamus.
    □The word "atom" is derived from the Greek "atomos" meaning "indivisible".
    □The amount of intestinal gas varies normally from individual to individual.
    □The size and density of this compartment varies greatly from tissue to tissue.

  260. [fulfill]
    □Epithelial cells fulfill important functions in different parts of the body.

  261. [fully]
    □Breast cancer can be fully cured if detected at early stage.

  262. [fumigate]
    fumigate a sickroom,

  263. [function]
    □The BSP test is one of several tests to check liver function.
    □The patient with decreased liver function can present problems in regard to dental treatment.

  264. [further]
    □Lack of exercise further reduces muscles' ability to use insulin.

  265. [fundamentally]
    Fundamentally, computers just deal with numbers.

  266. [generally]
    □Patients who experience a foreign body of the cornea generally present with mild, moderate, or occasionally severe pain.
    □The prognosis is generally good with infections localized to the lungs, except when they are caused by drug-resistant bacteria.

  267. [generate]
    □The human body is unable to generate all substances necessary for the production of cells.

  268. [genetically]
    □The course of oculogenesis is genetically controlled by genes.

  269. [give birth to]
    □She gave birth to a baby boy last night.

  270. [give rise to]
    □We have previously shown that weak pulsed microwaves give rise to a significant leakage of albumin through the blood-brain barrier.

  271. [gland]
    □The liver is the heaviest gland in the body.

  272. [glow]
    □Fluorescein is a yellow dye which glows in visible light.

  273. [goal]
    □The elimination of endemic measles from the United States has been a national goal since the introduction of measles vaccine, and measles surveillance has been crucial to guide the elimination efforts.

  274. [gradually]
    □The illness lasts for a few weeks and then gradually improves in most of the affected people.

  275. [greatly]
    □In hemophilia, the clotting time of the blood is greatly prolonged.

  276. [greet]
    □There was no honor guard to greet him at the airport.

  277. [group]
    □Microbial toxins are usually grouped as exotoxins or endotoxins.

  278. [grow]
    □When the tissue lining the uterus grows outside of the uterus, it can cause abnormal vaginal bleeding.

  279. [guard]
    □If you take part in contact sports such as rugby, always wear a guard to protect both your appliances and your teeth.

  280. [half]
    □The submandibular gland is variable in size but about half the size of the parotid.

  281. [harbor]
    □A variety of ticks and mites harbor Rickettsia-like organisms that do not harm the host.

  282. [hard]
    □The lens is elastic in the young but becomes harder and sclerosed with age.

  283. [harm]
    □A variety of ticks and mites harbor Rickettsia-like organisms that do not harm the host.
    □Alcohol causes much more harm in Australia than most people believe.

  284. [harvest]
    □The attached cells were harvested by trypsinization and counted using a hemocytometer.

  285. [have]
    have a heart attack,

  286. [hear]
    □Because if the patients don't hear about it from you, they don't think that they need it.

  287. [heavily]
    □During mumps infection, the virus is shed heavily in respiratory secretions.

  288. [heavy]
    □The liver is the heaviest gland in the body.

  289. [help]
    □Feline therapy helps relieve people from stress.
    □Shortening the interval between chemotherapy treatments may help reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence.
    □The drug therapy has not helped in the past and the doctors are thinking that removal of the rest of the stomach may be necessary.
    □This is a great book to help you understand the basics of chelation.

  290. [highly]
    □The crystal protein is highly insoluble in normal conditions, so it is entirely safe to humans.
    □The microscopic features of melanoma are highly variable.
    □The tumor is highly malignant.

  291. [hold]
    □Meat held at room temperature often invites bacteria from the family Enterobacteriaceae.

  292. [homogeneously]
    □Plasma cells are distributed homogeneously throughout the lamina propia of the small intestine.

  293. [hormone]
    □Aldosterone is a hormone provoking the reabsorption of sodium by the kidney.

  294. [hospital]
    □He was brought to the hospital with no signs of life.
    □No one took him to the hospital initially because they thought that he was suffering an epileptic fit.

  295. [hospitalization]
    □The patient died of multiorgan failure after 15 days of hospitalization.

  296. [host]
    □Man is the only host in which maturation occurs.

  297. [hygiene]
    □Treatment of denture stomatitis consists of rigid attention to oral hygiene and removal of the dentures at night.

  298. [identify]
    □Finding blood in your vomit can be alarming and promptly identifying the cause is essential.
    □Forensic pathologists are working round the clock to identify the victims.
    □The bleeding time test helps identify people who have defects in their platelet function.
    □To establish the diagnosis of tuberculosis, the organisms must be identified in the tissues, either with appropriate stains or by culture methods.
    □Ultrastructural immunocytochemistry was performed to identify the cellular localization of fibronectin.

  299. [if]
    If it rains, I will not go.
    If the allergic response is due to a nonbacterial foreign protein, such as fish, milk, or pollen, the process is designated atopy.

  300. [ill]
    □seriously ill patient,
    □He died on Saturday in a hospital where he had been critically ill for weeks.
    □Hundreds fell ill because of the blistering heat.

  301. [illness]
    □Some of the patients who suffered high fever, experienced hair loss three to four month after the illness.

  302. [impact]
    □The outcome was widely predicted and had little impact on financial markets.

  303. [impair]
    □Low weight at birth may impair man's fertility.
    □Smoking impairs health.

  304. [implement]
    □Side effect is the secondary consequence for which an agent is implemented.

  305. [important]
    □Correct diagnosis is important for correct therapy.
    □Numerically, influenza is the most important of the viral diseases.

  306. [impractical]
    □The treatment of the enormous numbers of cases also is impractical both economically and therapeutically.

  307. [improve]
    □The aim of this study was to analyze various methods for transfection of primary leukemia cells and leukemia cell lines and to improve the efficiency of gene delivery.
    □The illness lasts for a few weeks and then gradually improves in most of the affected people.

  308. [in]
    □About one in five American patients with HCV have cirrhosis.
    In the literature, chronic active hepatitis is referred to also as "chronic aggressive hepatitis".
    In other persons, the lesion is believed to be of viral origin.
    In this report, we describe 5 cases of MHL presenting in adults.
    In an emergency, it may be necessary to proceed without waiting for x-ray films.
    □The liver is the heaviest gland in the body.
    □Paraffin sections, 5-um thick, were deparaffinized in xylene, dehydrated in ethanol, and dried in air.

  309. [in accordance with]
    □In conclusion, our results are in accordance with other studies in the field.
    □Findings in the present study were in accordance with studies by various authors.

  310. [in addition to]
    □Accessory breast is milk-secreting gland located elsewhere than at the normal place on the chest and existing in addition to the two usual mammae.
    In addition to a complete medical history and physical examination, your doctor may order blood tests to assess your kidney function.

  311. [in conjunction with]
    □It may be used in conjunction with antimicrobial drug.

  312. [in contrast to]
    In contrast to various well-known forms of xanthoma, the nevoxanthoentholioma appears spontaneously.
    In contrast to the lining epithelium of the mucosa, the gingival epithelium is keratinizing.

  313. [in diameter]
    □The solar system has about two million asteroids measuring more than 50 meters in diameter.

  314. [in form]
    □The nuclei of cartilage cells are rounded or ovoid in form when they are well preseved during fixation.

  315. [in front of]
    □Most patients can barely count the fingers in front of their face.

  316. [in nature]
    □Atopy is believed to be hereditary in nature.

  317. [in size]
    □The thymus varies in size and development with the age of the individual.

  318. [in some cases]
    □Each time, she was sent home, in some cases with pain medication, after doctors said she suffered from gallstones.

  319. [in spite of]
    In spite of high cost of living in Japan, the unit price of medical service fee is low.

  320. [in support of]
    □Angry demonstrators emptied a garbage can on the car of French far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen on Sunday after he spoke in support of the anti-immigration British National Party.

  321. [in terms of]
    □The microbes are pretty indiscriminate in terms of mucous membranes they choose to travel along as long as the locks are open.

  322. [in vitro]
    □B pertussis is susceptible to several antimicrobial drugs in vitro.

  323. [in which]
    □Man is the only host in which maturation occurs.
    □"Presurgical preparation" is a common term used to describe a health care service in which important surgery information is provided to the patient some time before they are admitted.
    □The phylum Onychophora is the only phylum in which none of its living members are aquatic.

  324. [incessant]
    □He complains about incessant criticism from rivals.

  325. [include]
    □A total of 250 fundic gland polyps were included in this study.
    □Infectious diseases are caused by a variety of microorganisms, including bacteria.
    □This list does not include all recognized species.

  326. [increase]
    □In acute appendicitis, moderate leukocytosis (10,000-20,000) with an increase in neutrophils is usually present.
    □Infection with the hepatitis C virus may increase the risk of erectile dysfunction.
    □Extramarital sex can increase your risk of having a heart attack.

  327. [indicate]
    □No treatment is indicated for pelvic or calceal stones that cause few or no symptoms and produce no obstruction.
    □In the conjunctival test, a positive reaction is indicated by itching, redness, and tearing in a few minutes.

  328. [indication]
    □Continued entrapment is an indication for surgical intervention.
    □The presence of pneumomediastinum in a case of colon perforation is an indication for early surgery.

  329. [individual]
    □The amount of intestinal gas varies normally from individual to individual.

  330. [infection]
    Infection cannot be eradicated until the stone and its cause are removed.
    Infection occasionally develops secondary to a renal or ureteral stone.
    Infection with the hepatitis C virus may increase the risk of erectile dysfunction.
    □One of the major problems associated with genital chlamydial infection is that it may be asymptomatic.
    □Rheumatic fever results from an immunologic response to beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection.

  331. [infiltrate]
    □The connective tissue is infiltrated by plasma cells and lymphocytes and shows edema.

  332. [infiltrative]
    □Most fibrosarcomas are locally infiltrative and persistent, but they do not metastasize.

  333. [influence]
    □The growth of the alveolar bone is influenced by the eruption and function of the teeth.

  334. [influx]
    □The population increase stemmed from new births and an influx of new residents.

  335. [inhibit]
    □Many drugs that inhibit enzyme action operate in a similar manner.

  336. [ingestion]
    □It was considered that ingestion of small amount of hydrogen peroxide would produce no toxicological effects due to rapid decomposition of the chemical by the enzyme catalase of the intestinal cells.

  337. [initially]
    □No one took him to the hospital initially because they thought that he was suffering an epileptic fit.

  338. [innervate]
    □The palatoglossus is the only muscle of the tongue that is not innervated by the hypoglossal nerve.

  339. [initiate]
    □Physical therapy was initiated on the first postoperative day.
    □This reflex response is initiated by chemoreceptors and pressure receptors in the walls of the mouth and on the tongue.

  340. [injection]
    □On injection into the bloodstream, it is mostly bound to serum albumin.

  341. [injure]
    □He was injured as an explosive device was detonated.

  342. [injury]
    □A moderate earthquake shook northeastern Japan on Saturday, but no damage or injuries were reported.

  343. [inspection]
    □Pharyngoscope is an instrument used for inspection of the mucous membrane of the pharynx.

  344. [instead of]
    □China will expand the use of lethal injections instead of gunshots for death sentences.

  345. [instrument]
    □Pharyngoscope is an instrument used for inspection of the mucous membrane of the pharynx.

  346. [integrate]
    □Rioting that engulfed depressed, largely immigrant suburbs made France painfully aware of its failure to fully integrate its minorities.

  347. [interact]
    □Each islet is made up of four types of cells that interact to regulate blood sugar levels.
    □Normally, platelets interact with the walls of blood vessels to form a blood clot.

  348. [interference]
    □Dromotropic action of digitalis must be counteracted but without any interference with its favorable effect on the heart muscle contractability.

  349. [interval]
    □Shortening the interval between chemotherapy treatments may help reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence.

  350. [invasion]
    □There was no evidence of metastasis nor direct invasion to the neighboring organs.

  351. [investigate]
    □The object of this study is to investigate 〜
    □We investigated 55 fibrosarcomas of different histological subtypes for an association between telomeric lengths and telomerase activity.

  352. [invite]
    □Meat held at room temperature often invites bacteria from the family Enterobacteriaceae.

  353. [involve]
    □Compartment syndrome involves the compression of nerves and blood vessels within an enclosed space, resulting in impaired blood flow and muscle and nerve damage.
    □In tuberculosis, the lungs are primarily involved, but the infection can spread to other organs.

  354. [involvement]
    □Afghan police have arrested eight people suspected of involvement in the kidnapping of an Italian aid worker.

  355. [irritation]
    □Stinging seaweed disease is a skin irritation caused by direct exposure to a poisonous type of algae named Lyngbya majuscula.

  356. [issue]
    □The government issued a travel warning early this month urging people to put off non-urgent trips to Hong Kong.

  357. [keep]
    Keep overwork from killing you!

  358. [kill]
    □Keep overwork from killing you!

  359. [know]
    □No effective treatment is known.
    □Obesity is well known to cause insulin resistance.
    □Tooth decay, known technically as dental caries, is one of the most common health complaints in the world.

  360. [known as]
    □Many natural objects exhibits an optical property known as double refraction.
    □The lipid-filled macrophages are known as “Gaucher’s cells” and are pathognomonic of this disease.

  361. [lack]
    □Cyanosis is a severe condition indicating a lack of oxygen in the blood supply.
    □The World Health Organization warned that China still lacked the equipment and expertise to fight the disease.

  362. [large]
    □The parotids are the largest salivary glands.

  363. [last]
    □A bee sting is painful and the action of venom can last for several days.
    □The illness lasts for a few weeks and then gradually improves in most of the affected people.

  364. [lead]
    □A painful knee joint can severely affect your ability to lead a full active life.

  365. [lead to]
    □Excessive food intake leads to the deposition of fat in the body.
    □These changes may lead to noticeable symptoms.

  366. [learn]
    □Children learn a great deal through play.

  367. [length]
    □The adult flukes may measure 75 mm in length.
    □Human jejunum measures about 8 feet in length.

  368. [lesion]
    □The lesion is treated by conservative excision.
    □The lesion is benign and may regress spontaneously.
    □The lesion do not respond to treatment but disappears spontaneously.
    □In other persons, the lesion is believed to be of viral origin.

  369. [less]
    □Women using oral contraceptives are considerably less likely to develop ovarian cysts than those not taking the pill.

  370. [level]
    □At the cellular level,
    □At the molecular level,

  371. [life]
    □Each year cardiovascular diseases take the lives of nearly half a million women in America.

  372. [like]
    □Dog meat tastes like rabbit.
    Like many other countries in South East Asia, oral cancer is one of the common cancers in Bangladesh.

  373. [likely]
    □A British study has found that students who are younger than their classmates are more likely to have pstchiatric disorders.
    □Babies are more likely to suffer from asthma if their mothers were exposed to pollen during the last three months of pregnancy.
    □Children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder are more likely to smoke, drink and use illegal drugs.
    □Overexposure to the sun is likely to produce a sunburn.
    □People who regularly drink alcohol are more likely to smoke cigarettes.
    □Premature infants are more likely to develop jaundice than full-term babies.
    □Symptoms are likely to return when the medication is stopped unless behavioral therapy is incorporated into treatment.
    □Women using oral contraceptives are considerably less likely to develop ovarian cysts than those not taking the pill.

  374. [limit]
    □There is no upper age limit there.

  375. [literature]
    □In the literature, chronic active hepatitis is referred to also as "chronic aggressive hepatitis".

  376. [locate]
    □The Danish Embassy is located 5 minutes walk from Daikanyama Station on the Tokyu Toyoko Line.

  377. [location]
    □The role of X at these locations remains to be elucidated.

  378. [long]
    □In adults, the alimentary canal is about 30 feet long.

  379. [look]
    □I look forward to hearing from you. (*hearingのing形に注目)

  380. [lose]
    □Patients may lose their sight if they receive nitrous oxide anesthesia within one month after having retinal surgery.

  381. [lower]
    □Calcitonin lowers actively the concentration of calcium in the plasma.

  382. [main]
    □The liver is one of the main blood-forming organs in the fetus.

  383. [mainly]
    □Control of whooping cough rests mainly on adequate active immunization of all infants.
    □Carbohydrate is absorbed from the intestine mainly in the form of glucose.

  384. [maintain]
    □You should try to maintain consistent temperature and humidity settings in the room while this test is being performed.

  385. [major]
    □Proteoglycan is a major component of cartilage matrix.

  386. [majority]
    □In majority of the cases the cancer was well differentiated.
    □The majority are unidentifiable and buried in a mass grave.

  387. [make]
    □Long-term stress could make people fat.
    □The diagnosis is made at the time of routine physical examination.

  388. [manifest]
    □We present a case of lung metastasis manifesting as lung infarction by mucin and tumor embolization.

  389. [manner]
    □Many drugs that inhibit enzyme action operate in a similar manner.

  390. [may]
    □It may occur in either a child or an adult.
    □It may be used in conjunction with antimicrobial drug.
    □In an emergency, it may be necessary to proceed without waiting for x-ray films.
    □Low weight at birth may impair man's fertility.
    □Malnutrition may contribute to development of cirrhosis.
    □On rare occasion, respiratory or other forms of epithelium may be seen.
    □Patients may lose their sight if they receive nitrous oxide anesthesia within one month after having retinal surgery.
    □Patients may survive only a few days.
    □The lesion is benign and may regress spontaneously.

  391. [mean]
    □Pneumoencephalocele means the same thing as pneumocephalus.

  392. [measure]
    □A test for calcium in the blood measures the calcium level in the body that is not stored in the bones.
    □Human jejunum measures about 8 feet in length.
    □Plasma insulin was measured using ELISA kit.
    □The adult flukes may measure 75 mm in length.
    □The CVP can be measured near the right atrium in either the superior or the inferior vena cava.
    □The solar system has about two million asteroids measuring more than 50 meters in diameter.

  393. [metastasize]
    □Most fibrosarcomas are locally infiltrative and persistent, but they do not metastasize.
    □The transitional cell carcinoma metastasizes early.
    □The tumor can metastasize and should be widely excised.

  394. [meticulously]
    □Blood sugar levels were monitored meticulously twice daily.

  395. [monitor]
    □Blood sugar levels were monitored meticulously twice daily.

  396. [middle]
    □Three large carpets were stolen from an ancient mosque by thieves who came in the middle of the night.

  397. [more]
    □It occurs more frequently in males than in females.
    □The tumor affects adults more frequently than children.
    □Women have a more sensitive cough reflex than men.
    □But researchers cautioned that more study is needed to confirm the finding.

  398. [more than]
    □Fallopian tubes are complex structures that represent more than conduits from ovary to endometrial cavity.
    □The solar system has about two million asteroids measuring more than 50 meters in diameter.
    □Whooping cough has been diagnosed in more than two dozen medical workers at the same hospital in the past three weeks.

  399. [most]
    □Basal cell carcinomas are most often seen on the scalp, nose, lips, and forehead.
    □Esophageal cancer is one of the 10 most frequent types of cancer worldwide, particularly in developing countries.
    □Numerically, influenza is the most important of the viral diseases.
    □Pruritus around the anus is the most prominent symptom.
    □The tongue is the most commonly affected site.

  400. [mostly]
    □On injection into the bloodstream, it is mostly bound to serum albumin.

  401. [must]
    □Care must be taken to avoid puncturing the liver on the right.

  402. [mutate]
    □Viruses in the Coronavirus family are known to mutate frequently.

  403. [name]
    □The Gram staining method, named after the Danish bacteriologist who originally devised it in 1882 (published 1884), Hans Christian Gram, is one of the most important staining techniques in microbiology.

  404. [near]
    □The CVP can be measured near the right atrium in either the superior or the inferior vena cava.

  405. [nearly]
    Nearly one in 10 people have a gene mutation that can raise their risk of cancer by a quarter or more.

  406. [necessary]
    □Further study is necessary.
    □In an emergency, it may be necessary to proceed without waiting for x-ray films.
    □The drug therapy has not helped in the past and the doctors are thinking that removal of the rest of the stomach may be necessary.
    □The human body is unable to generate all substances necessary for the production of cells.
    □The presence of Reed-Sternberg cells is necessary, but not sufficient, for the diagnosis of classical Hodgkin's lymphoma.
    □Water is necessary to replace losses through vomiting, bleeding, wound discharge, and fever.

  407. [need]
    □But researchers cautioned that more study is needed to confirm the finding.
    □Because if the patients don't hear about it from you, they don't think that they need it.
    □The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ that stores about 50 ml of bile until the body needs it for digestion.

  408. [night]
    □Treatment of denture stomatitis consists of rigid attention to oral hygiene and removal of the dentures at night.

  409. [none]
    □The phylum Onychophora is the only phylum in which none of its living members are aquatic.

  410. [nor]
    □There was no evidence of metastasis nor direct invasion to the neighboring organs.

  411. [normally]
    □A cataract is a clouding of the normally clear lens of the eye.
    Normally, platelets interact with the walls of blood vessels to form a blood clot.
    □On the mouth floor, the epithelium is thin and normally not keratinized.

  412. [note]
    Note xanthoma cells with distended foamy cytoplasm.

  413. [noticeable]
    □These changes may lead to noticeable symptoms.

  414. [numerically]
    Numerically, influenza is the most important of the viral diseases.

  415. [object]
    □The object of this study is to investigate …

  416. [obtain]
    □A blood sample from the patient should be obtained for confirmatory testing for measles antibodies.
    □Liver tissue was obtained from all patients by percutaneous biopsy performed for diagnostic purposes and from the normal livers at autopsy.

  417. [obvious]
    □An obvious cause of death could not be determined at autopsy.

  418. [occasionally]
    □Infection occasionally develops secondary to a renal or ureteral stone.
    □Patients who experience a foreign body of the cornea generally present with mild, moderate, or occasionally severe pain.

  419. [occur]
    □It also occurs spontaneously.
    □It may occur in either a child or an adult.
    □It occurs more frequently in males than in females.
    □Man is the only host in which maturation occurs.
    □Melanoma rarely occurs before puberty.
    □Various types of synovial or bursal cysts occur.

  420. [of]
    Of the 75 cases for whom serologic testing for measles was reported, 70 were serologically confirmed.
    □Viral pneumonias are of the interstitial type.

  421. [of value]
    □An X-ray of the injured area may be of value to determine the presence of fractures.

  422. [often]
    □Basal cell carcinomas are most often seen on the scalp, nose, lips, and forehead.
    □Cloned animals often die at or near the time of birth.
    □From the history and physical examination, a diagnosis can often be established.
    □How often do you urinate a day?
    □Lipomas consist of normal fat cells often arranged in lobules.

  423. [on]
    □Allergic reactions may occur on the gingiva and oral mucosa.
    □Basal cell carcinomas are most often seen on the scalp, nose, lips, and forehead.
    □Dogs stand second after cats on the list of animal therapists.
    On injection into the bloodstream, it is mostly bound to serum albumin.
    On rare occasion, respiratory or other forms of epithelium may be seen.

  424. [on the ground(s) that]
    □He was refused entry to a bathhouse on the grounds that he was a foreigner.

  425. [once]
    □Hunger appears when the stomach is empty and vanishes once the stomach is filled with food.
    □The ferry leaves during the week once an hour between 5:30am and 8:30pm.

  426. [one of]
    □The BSP test is one of several tests to check liver function.

  427. [online]
    □The journal is now available full-text online at www.xxx.com.
    □Instructions on how to register your journal online will be available on the site during late March.

  428. [operate]
    □Many drugs that inhibit enzyme action operate in a similar manner.

  429. [or]
    □Q fever resembles influenza, nonbacterial pneumonia, hepatitis, or encephalopathy rather than typhus.
    □She has no money for a crib, diapers or baby clothes.
    □Verrucous carcinoma has a papillary appearance and a wide or a narrow stalk.

  430. [originally]
    □The Gram staining method was named after the Danish bacteriologist, Hans Christian Gram, who originally devised it in 1882 (published 1884).

  431. [originate from]
    □Ameloblastoma is a tumor originating from the cells forming the enamel organ during odontogenesis.

  432. [other than]
    □Avian influenza viruses do not normally infect species other than birds and pigs.

  433. [otherwise]
    □Unless otherwise stated, data are expressed as the median and range.

  434. [outcome]
    □The outcome was widely predicted and had little impact on financial markets.
    □This poor outcome is due mainly to the high relapse rate after initial chemotherapy.

  435. [outside]
    □Fertilization in humans occurs outside of the uterus.
    □When the tissue lining the uterus grows outside of the uterus and onto surrounding organs, it can cause painful periods, abnormal vaginal bleeding, scarring, adhesions, and infertility.

  436. [outskirt]
    □The majority are unidentifiable and buried in a mass grave on the outskirts of the village.

  437. [owing to]
    □The color of skin itself is yellow, owing to the presence of carotene.

  438. [pain]
    □Severe pain in the bone is very characteristic.
    □Patients with radical neck dissection usually do not require large amounts of narcotics for pain control.

  439. [painful]
    □Touching the swelling may be painful to the patient.

  440. [papillary]
    □Verrucous carcinoma has a papillary appearance and a wide or a narrow stalk.

  441. [particular]
    □After antibodies to a particular antigen have been produced by the plasma cells, they are released into the circulation.

  442. [pathognomonic]
    □The lipid-filled macrophages are known as “Gaucher’s cells” and are pathognomonic of this disease.

  443. [patient]
    □seriously ill patient,
    □The patient with decreased liver function can present problems in regard to dental treatment.
    □The patient appears pale and weak.
    Patients may lose their sight if they receive nitrous oxide anesthesia within one month after having retinal surgery.
    Patients may survive only a few days.

  444. [percentage]
    □A new research shows that being overweight accounted for the greatest percentage of esophagus adenocarcinomas.

  445. [perform]
    □An optic nerve sheath fenestration is usually performed bilaterally under general anesthesia.
    □Immunohistochemical techniques were performed in paraffin-embedded tissue sections.
    □Liver tissue was obtained from all patients by percutaneous biopsy performed for diagnostic purposes and from the normal livers at autopsy.
    □The test is performed on the serum.

  446. [period]
    □The study was carried out over a period of 3 years, from January 2000 to December 2002.

  447. [persist]
    □The rickettsiae can persist for many years in the lymph nodes without any symptoms being manifest.

  448. [physiologic]
    Physiologic factors affect body temperature.

  449. [place]
    □Hormone replacement therapies place women at increased risk of developing breast cancer.

  450. [plenty of]
    □There are plenty of funny stories about animals.

  451. [possess]
    □Vibrios are mobile, possessing a single polar flagellum.

  452. [possibly]
    □Estradiol is formed by the ovary, placenta, and possibly the adrenal cortex.

  453. [pound]
    □Hundreds of villagers were evacuated from a mountainous area as Typhoon Talim pounded eastern Taiwan with powerful winds and torrential rains.

  454. [precipitation]
    □Kidney stones result from the precipitation of certain substances within the urine.

  455. [precursor]
    □The bone marrow is the principal source of lymphoid precursor cells in postnatal life.

  456. [predict]
    □Demographers predict that the country's population will actually start declining in 2007.
    □The outcome was widely predicted and had little impact on financial markets.

  457. [predominantly]

    □The lesion is usually solitary and occurs predominantly on the head and face.

  458. [prepare]
    □Colloidal gold with a diameter of about 14 nm was prepared as described by Frens (1973).

  459. [presence]
    □An x-ray of the injured area is of value to determine the presence of fractures.
    □The presence of an abnormal amount of fluid in the tissues is called edema.
    □The presence of fractures can be determined by radiography.
    □The presence of pneumomediastinum in a case of colon perforation is an indication for early surgery.
    □The presence of Reed-Sternberg cells is necessary, but not sufficient, for the diagnosis of classical Hodgkin's lymphoma.

  460. [present]
    □A special effort has been made to present the material succinctly but without sacrificing clarity.
    □In this report, we describe 5 cases of MHL presenting in adults.
    □Normal hemoglobin is comprised of at least three distinct types that are present in varying amounts.
    □Patients who experience a foreign body of the cornea generally present with mild, moderate, or occasionally severe pain.
    □Saliva is a glandular secretion present in the oral cavity.
    □The patient with decreased liver function can present problems in regard to dental treatment.
    □We present a case of lung metastasis manifesting as lung infarction by mucin and tumor embolization.

  461. [preserve]
    □The nuclei of cartilage cells are rounded or ovoid in form when they are well preseved during fixation.

  462. [primarily]
    □Endothelin is released primarily by vascular endothelium and causes vasoconstriction.
    □In tuberculosis, the lungs are primarily involved, but the infection can spread to other organs.

  463. [principal]
    □The principal disease caused by the pneumococcus is lobar pneumonia.

  464. [prior to]
    □Foreign authors are encouraged to consult native English speakers prior to submitting manuscripts.
    □The drug is indicated for bowel cleansing prior to colonoscopy.

  465. [probable]
    □It is probable that many eye diseases whose etiology is at present unknown are of viral origin.

  466. [probably]
    □This endotoxin probably contributes to the irritation of the bowel wall.

  467. [problem]
    □He has a cardiac problem.
    □Indigestion and heartburn are common problems for both kids and grownups.
    □The patient with decreased liver function can present problems in regard to dental treatment.

  468. [proceed]
    □In an emergency, it may be necessary to proceed without waiting for x-ray films.

  469. [produce]
    □After antibodies to a particular antigen have been produced by the plasma cells, they are released into the circulation.
    □Although alcohol produces calories, it is not a food.
    □Crush injury from a direct blow may produce an irregular or stellate laceration.
    □It was considered that ingestion of small amount of hydrogen peroxide would produce no toxicological effects due to rapid decomposition of the chemical by the enzyme catalase of the intestinal cells.
    □No treatment is indicated for pelvic or calceal stones that cause few or no symptoms and produce no obstruction.
    □Occlusal trauma can produce migration or loosening of teeth.

  470. [prognosis]
    □The prognosis of bronchogenic carcinoma is poor.
    □The prognosis of cancer in this location is poor.
    □The prognosis of the malignant blue nevus is better than that of the malignant melanoma.

  471. [prolong]
    □In hemophilia, the clotting time of the blood is greatly prolonged.

  472. [prominent]
    □Pruritus around the anus is the most prominent symptom.

  473. [promptly]
    □Finding blood in your vomit can be alarming and promptly identifying the cause is essential.

  474. [provide]
    □In the stomach hydrochloric acid provides the acid environment in which pepsin is most effective.
    □"Presurgical preparation" is a common term used to describe a health care service in which important surgery information is provided to the patient some time before they are admitted.
    □The complete blood count provides information on red and white blood cells and platelets.
    □There is no clinical group providing stomach transplants as fas as I know.

  475. [provoke]
    □Aldosterone is a hormone provoking the reabsorption of sodium by the kidney.

  476. [purify]
    □The PCR products were purified using a DNA fragment purification kit according to the maker's instructions.

  477. [purpose]
    □Liver tissue was obtained from all patients by percutaneous biopsy performed for diagnostic purposes and from the normal livers at autopsy.
    □This information is presented for educational purposes.

  478. [qualitative]
    □The glucose test is a qualitative enzyme test specific for glucose.

  479. [quarantine]
    □China sealed off a major Beijing hospital on Thursday to quarantine SARS-affected areas.

  480. [radiography]
    □The presence of fractures can be determined by radiography.

  481. [raise]
    □Nearly one in 10 people have a gene mutation that can raise their risk of cancer by a quarter or more.

  482. [range]
    □About 50 people, ranging in age from children to the elderly, were in the church at the time.
    □The average incubation period for mumps is 18 days, with a range of 12 to 24 days.

  483. [rare]
    □After their removal, recurrence is rare.
    □In very rare circumstances, denture stomatitis may be caused by contact allergy to the denture material.
    □On rare occasion, respiratory or other forms of epithelium may be seen.
    □Acinar cell carcinomas are rare malignant tumor of the exocrine pancreas.

  484. [rarely]
    □An apparent fibrinoid necrosis is rarely seen.
    □Melanoma rarely occurs before puberty.

  485. [rather than]
    □He explains his proposals in detail rather than depending on a flamboyant personality to sway public opinion.
    □He should study, rather than waste his time.
    □Q fever resembles influenza, nonbacterial pneumonia, hepatitis, or encephalopathy rather than typhus.
    □Under normal conditions, the pleural space remains a potential rather than an actual space.

  486. [readily]
    □Hydrogen peroxide is unstable, decomposing readily to oxygen and water with release of heat.

  487. [reason]
    □Endometriosis is the second most common reason for women to have a hysterectomy.
    □Men lie for no reason because women make them do it.

  488. [receive]
    receive a smallpox vaccination,
    □Patients may lose their sight if they receive nitrous oxide anesthesia within one month after having retinal surgery.

  489. [recognize]
    □The relation between prolonged exposure to sunlight and skin cancer has been recognized for many years.
    □Unlike the peptic ulcer, stress ulcers may first be recognized by gastrointestinal bleeding.

  490. [recommend]
    □I do not recommend it at this point.
    □Gurr (1963) recommends the use of either picric acid-containing or mercuric chloride-containing fixatives for the preservation of GAGs.

  491. [record]
    □The United States is expected to report a record number of West Nile infections this year. (`record` :a. 記録的な)

  492. [recur]
    □If excised, it does not recur.

  493. [recurrence]
    □There is no recurrence following excision.
    □After their removal, recurrence is rare.
    □Shortening the interval between chemotherapy treatments may help reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence.

  494. [reduce]
    □After initial chemotherapy, the cranial lesion was slightly reduced in size.
    □Antioxidants appear to reduce cellular damage caused by free radicals.
    □Chlorine is an oxidizing agent when it accepts electrons from the sodium, and chlorine is reduced to chloride ion.
    □Lack of exercise further reduces muscles' ability to use insulin.
    □Shortening the interval between chemotherapy treatments may help reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence.

  495. [refer to]
    □In the literature, chronic active hepatitis is referred to also as "chronic aggressive hepatitis".

  496. [reflect]
    □Please note that WHOIS data may take up to five business days to be updated to reflect changes in relevant information.

  497. [refuse]
    □He was refused entry to a bathhouse on the grounds that he was a foreigner.

  498. [register]
    □Instructions on how to register your journal online will be available on the site during late March.

  499. [regress]
    □The lesion is benign and may regress spontaneously.
    □The parotid glands continue to enlarge for two to three days, and then the swelling regresses.
    □The lesion is benign and may regress spontaneously.
    □The lesion usually regress without treatment.

  500. [regularly]
    □People who regularly drink alcohol are more likely to smoke cigarettes.

  501. [regulate]
    □Hormone secretion from the anterior pituitary gland is regulated by hormones secreted by the hypothalamus.

  502. [reject]
    □A normal person will reject a skin graft from an unrelated individual.

  503. [relation]
    □The relation between prolonged exposure to sunlight and skin cancer has been recognized for many years.

  504. [relationship]
    □The aim was to find out the relationship between chewing and smoking habit and anatomic site of the cancer in oral cavity.

  505. [release]
    □After antibodies to a particular antigen have been produced by the plasma cells, they are released into the circulation.
    □Endothelin is released primarily by vascular endothelium and causes vasoconstriction.
    □Glucagon is released from A cells into the blood stream.

  506. [relevent to]
    □Additional tests relevent to this chapter are discussed in chapter 30.

  507. [relieve]
    □Feline therapy helps relieve people from stress.

  508. [remain]
    □Ten people remain in serious condition.
    □The role of X at these locations remains to be elucidated.
    □Under normal conditions, the pleural space remains a potential rather than an actual space.

  509. [remove]
    □Her appendix was removed at age 8.
    □Infection cannot be eradicated until the stone and its cause are removed.

  510. [replace]
    Three large carpets were stolen from an ancient Afghan mosque by thieves who came in the middle of the night and replaced them with cheap imitations.
    □Water is necessary to replace losses through vomiting, bleeding, wound discharge, and fever.

  511. [report]
    □All suspected cases of measles should be reported to the local and/or state health departments.
    □No deaths have yet been reported in Shanghai.

  512. [require]
    □Carcinoma in situ is a premalignant lesion and requires wide complete excision.
    □The lesion requires no treatment.

  513. [resemble]
    □Q fever resembles influenza, nonbacterial pneumonia, hepatitis, or encephalopathy rather than typhus.
    □Extrafacial granuloma faciale closely resembles erythema elevatum diutinum; however, they are distinct entities which can be differentiated from each other.

  514. [respond]
    □A child with leukemia may develop an infection that does not respond to antibiotics.
    □The lesion do not respond to treatment but disappears spontaneously.

  515. [response]
    □Precise information can be obtained only by studying the response of an animal to purified hormones.
    □Rheumatic fever results from an immunologic response to beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection.

  516. [responsible]
    □In 1874, Hansen discovered the microorganism responsible for leprosy.
    □Water fluoridation may be responsible for reducing the incidence of cavities by only 15%.

  517. [rest]
    □Control of whooping cough rests mainly on adequate active immunization of all infants.

  518. [result]
    □In conclusion, our results are in accordance with other studies in the field.

  519. [result from]
    □Kidney stones result from the precipitation of certain substances within the urine.
    □Rheumatic fever results from an immunologic response to beta-hemolytic streptococcal infection.

  520. [result in]
    □Inhibition of telomerase in immortal cells results in telomere attrition and ultimately cell death.

  521. [retrieve]
    □Lymph node biopsy specimens were retrieved from the pathology files of the Department of Pathology.

  522. [reveal]
    □Analysis of a gastric biopsy specimen revealed reactive foveolar hyperplasia and chronic inflammation, but was negative for tumor.

  523. [rigid]
    □Treatment of denture stomatitis consists of rigid attention to oral hygiene and removal of the dentures at night.

  524. [rise]
    □Diabetes is rising in the rich world but the death rate from it is falling due to early detection and better treatment.

  525. [risk]
    □Infection with the hepatitis C virus may increase the risk of erectile dysfunction.
    □Extramarital sex can increase your risk of having a heart attack.
    □Shortening the interval between chemotherapy treatments may help reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence.
    □Hormone replacement therapies place women at increased risk of developing breast cancer.
    □Nearly one in 10 people have a gene mutation that can raise their risk of cancer by a quarter or more.

  526. [role]
    □We believe that OCP may play an important role in the biological mineralization.

  527. [rule]
    □The judge ruled that the testimony against them was not credible.

  528. [sacrifice]
    □A special effort has been made to present the material succinctly but without sacrificing clarity.

  529. [same]
    □A rocket is exactly the same thing as a missile.
    □In order to repeat a published experiment, it is important to use the same materials.

  530. [save]
    □Clinicians should save any available clinical specimens (respiratory, blood, and serum) for additional testing until a specific diagnosis is made.

  531. [scatter]
    □Lymph nodules are scattered in the lamina propia.

  532. [sclerosed]
    □The lens is elastic in the young but becomes harder and sclerosed with age.

  533. [secondary to]
    □Infection occasionally develops secondary to a renal or ureteral stone.

  534. [see]
    □Basal cell carcinomas are most often seen on the scalp, nose, lips, and forehead.
    □On rare occasion, respiratory or other forms of epithelium may be seen.

  535. [sensitive]
    □be sensitive to heparin treatment,
    □Women have a more sensitive cough reflex than men.

  536. [seriously]
    □Neither patient was seriously wounded.

  537. [several]
    □It takes several years to cure it completely.
    □B pertussis is susceptible to several antimicrobial drugs in vitro.

  538. [severe]
    □The flaps are usually anesthetic since the cutaneous nerve supply has been severed during the operation.

  539. [severely]
    □A painful knee joint can severely affect your ability to lead a full active life.

  540. [share]
    □Recent studies have shown that the calcifying vessel wall shares many similarities with bone.

  541. [shed]
    □During mumps infection, the virus is shed heavily in respiratory secretions.

  542. [shock]
    Shock may occur when endotoxin is circulating in the bloostream.

  543. [shorten]
    Shortening the interval between chemotherapy treatments may help reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence.

  544. [shortly]
    □The patient died shortly upon arrival at hospital.

  545. [should]
    □All suspected cases of measles should be reported to the local and/or state health departments.
    □Contraceptive measures should be employed during treatment.
    Should such a day come, everything would be different. (もし、そのような日が本当にきたら、すべてが変わる)

  546. [show]
    □Fibroblast growth factor has been shown to stimulate both systemic and local osteogenesis in vivo.
    □Our study clearly shows that …
    □Recent studies have shown that the calcifying vessel wall shares many similarities with bone.
    □The connective tissue shows edema.
    □The epithelial cells show all characteristics of malignancy.

  547. [sight]
    □Patients may lose their sight if they receive nitrous oxide anesthesia within one month after having retinal surgery.

  548. [sign]
    □He was brought to the hospital with no signs of life.

  549. [significance]
    □Prognostic significance of host-immune response, as gathered by the degree of tumour lymphocytic infiltration (TLI), and its relationship to other prognostic variables were investigated in 361 colorectal cancer patients admitted to our Institution for curative resection from January 1960 to December 1978.

  550. [significant]
    □The statistical associations were considered significant when the p-value was <0.05.

  551. [similar to]
    □Replication of measles virus within the host cell is similar to replication of paramyxoviruses.

  552. [since]
    Since a side effect may be either beneficial or harmful, specific terminology should be used.
    Since allergy is usually a result of liberation of histamine, one of the rationales of treatment of allergic responses is the administration of antihistamines.
    Since the crystal size of plaster vary, the amount of water required to prepare the mix is different.
    □Mr. Karr has traveled extensively since leaving the United States several years ago.

  553. [situate]
    □The cardiac plexus is situated at the base of the heart.

  554. [slightly]
    □After initial chemotherapy, the cranial lesion was slightly reduced in size.

  555. [slow]
    □Aftershocks slow the quake rescue efforts.
    □The vagus has a negative dromotropic action; that is, it slows the conduction of impulses in the conducting bundles.

  556. [so]
    □The crystal protein is highly insoluble in normal conditions, so it is entirely safe to humans.

  557. [solely]
    □The victims were not killed solely for their valuables.

  558. [source]
    □Paraformaldehyde is used as a source of formaldehyde.
    □Ribs are used as a source of bone in reconstructive surgery.

  559. [specific]
    □The glucose test is a qualitative enzyme test specific for glucose.
    □There is no specific treatment.

  560. [specimen]
    □All tissue specimens were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and paraffin-embedded.
    □Lymph node biopsy specimens were retrieved from the pathology files of the Department of Pathology.
    □Analysis of a gastric biopsy specimen revealed reactive foveolar hyperplasia and chronic inflammation, but was negative for tumor.

  561. [spectrum]
    □As described above, elastase has a broad spectrum of proteolytic activity.

  562. [spontaneously]
    □It also occurs spontaneously.
    □In contrast to various well-known forms of xanthoma, the nevoxanthoentholioma appears spontaneously.
    □The lesion do not respond to treatment but disappears spontaneously.
    □The lesion is benign and may regress spontaneously.

  563. [spread]
    □In tuberculosis, the lungs are primarily involved, but the infection can spread to other organs.

  564. [stage]
    □Breast cancer can be fully cured if detected at early stage.

  565. [stand]
    □Dogs stand second after cats on the list of animal therapists.

  566. [stem]
    □Millions of chickens have been slaughtered in attempts to stem the disease.
    □The population increase stemmed from new births and an influx of new residents.
    □The stem cells within the marrow cavity have the capacity to differentiate into erythrocytes, granulocytes, megakaryocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes.

  567. [step]
    □The most important steps in diagnosing juvenile rheumatoid arthritis are the medical history and physical examination.

  568. [still]
    □Impotence is still a taboo subject for men.

  569. [stimulate]
    □Fibroblast growth factor has been shown to stimulate both systemic and local osteogenesis in vivo.

  570. [store]
    □A test for calcium in the blood measures the calcium level in the body that is not stored in the bones.
    □The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ that stores about 50 ml of bile until the body needs it for digestion.

  571. [stress]
    □Recent work has stressed the cellular control of mineralization.

  572. [strike]
    □Aortic dissection is a rare medical disaster that can strike without warning.

  573. [strip]
    □He was stripped of his title of champion of the junior division.

  574. [structurally]
    Structurally the eyeball often has been compared to a camera.

  575. [study]
    □A total of 250 fundic gland polyps were included in this study.
    □Further study is necessary.
    □The guinea pig is an excellent experimental animal for studying anaphylaxis.
    □The object of this study is to investigate …

  576. [subject]
    □Impotence still a taboo subject for men.
    □In the 18th century, Siam invaded the independent Sultanate of Pattani, killing its ruler and enslaving large numbers of his subjects.

  577. [subside]
    □These signs usually subside within a week.

  578. [substantially]
    □Incineration reduces the volume of waste substantially, by as much as 90%.

  579. [succinctly]
    □A special effort has been made to present the material succinctly but without sacrificing clarity.

  580. [such as]
    □If the allergic response is due to a nonbacterial foreign protein, such as fish, milk, or pollen, the process is designated atopy.

  581. [suffer]
    □Babies are more likely to suffer from asthma if their mothers were exposed to pollen during the last three months of pregnancy.
    □Each time, she was sent home, in some cases with pain medication, after doctors said she suffered from gallstones.
    □Four people suffered minor injuries.
    □He suffered high fever and experienced hair loss three to four month after the illness.
    □Some of the patients who suffered high fever, experienced hair loss three to four month after the illness.
    □No one took him to the hospital initially because they thought that he was suffering an epileptic fit.
    □She suffered from eating disorder.
    □She suffered high fever and jaundice but survived, whereas her sister died 12 days later.
    □The subjects suffered high fever around 40 degrees centigrade.

  582. [sufficient]
    □The presence of Reed-Sternberg cells is necessary, but not sufficient, for the diagnosis of classical Hodgkin's lymphoma.

  583. [support]
    □54% of voters support constitutional amendments.
    □Angry demonstrators emptied a garbage can on the car of French far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen on Sunday after he spoke in support of the anti-immigration British National Party.

  584. [surface]
    □About 70% of the surface of this planet is covered by salt water.

  585. [survival]
    □A survival rate of about 80% can be achieved with combined medical and surgical therapy.

  586. [survive]
    □Erythrocytes survive for a much longer time in the circulation than do the leukocytes.
    □He is survived by his wife, Veronica, and his mother, Norma.

  587. [suitable] □Radiation therapy is only suitable for radiosensitive tumors.

  588. [sway]
    □He explains his proposals in detail rather than depending on a flamboyant personality to sway public opinion.

  589. [take]
    □Care must be taken to avoid puncturing the liver on the right.

  590. [taste]
    □Dog meat tastes like rabbit.

  591. [technically]
    □Tooth decay, known technically as dental caries, is one of the most common health complaints in the world.

  592. [technique]
    □Immunohistochemical techniques were performed in paraffin-embedded tissue sections.

  593. [temperature]
    □The estimation of body temperature is usually carry out by means of the clinical thermometer.

  594. [term]
    □Oxytocin causes strong contractions of the uterus when given at term.
    □Stomatitis venenata can also be termed contact stomatitis.

  595. [terminology]
    □Since a side effect may be either beneficial or harmful, specific terminology should be used.

  596. [than]
    □A British study has found that students who are younger than their classmates are more likely to have pstchiatric disorders.
    □Human rights has deeper historical roots in Asia than most people believe.
    □It occurs more frequently in males than in females.
    □Premature infants are more likely to develop jaundice than full-term babies.
    □The device weighs less than 0.98 kg and can be connected to a laptop computer.
    □The female urethra is much shorter than that of the male.
    □The prognosis of the malignant blue nevus is better than that of the malignant melanoma.
    □The mercury that builds up in the flesh of fish may be less dangerous than people feared.
    □The tumor affects adults more frequently than children.
    □Tuberculosis rates among blacks are nearly eight times higher than for whites.
    □Women using oral contraceptives are considerably less likely to develop ovarian cysts than those not taking the pill.

  597. [that]
    □But researchers cautioned that more study is needed to confirm the finding.
    □The female urethra is much shorter than that of the male.
    □The level of FasL expression was either similar to or higher than that in the basal layer of normal esophageal mucosa.
    □Its occurrence is clearly associated with exogenous risk factors that include alcohol consumption and tabacco smoking.

  598. [that is]
    □The vagus has a negative dromotropic action; that is, it slows the conduction of impulses in the conducting bundles.

  599. [then]
    □The illness lasts for a few weeks and then gradually improves in most of the affected people.
    □The parotid glands continue to enlarge for two to three days, and then the swelling regresses.

  600. [therefore]
    □The role of telomerase activity in tumor progression in fibrosarcomas is not well understood. /Therefore, we investigated 55 fibrosarcomas of different histological subtypes for an association between telomeric lengths and telomerase activity.

  601. [they]
    □After antibodies to a particular antigen have been produced by the plasma cells, they are released into the circulation.
    □The nuclei of cartilage cells are rounded or ovoid in form when they are well preseved during fixation.

  602. [thick]
    □Paraffin sections, 5-μm thick, were deparaffinized in xylene, dehydrated in ethanol, and dried in air.

  603. [think]
    □Germany warned it would think twice about importing more gas unless Moscow could prove it was a reliable supplier.

  604. [thoroughly]
    □Six hundred and eighty-seven specimens consisting of varied gynecological lesions were studied thoroughly.

  605. [through]
    □Brain surgery treats lesions of the brain and its surrounding structures through an opening (craniotomy) in the skull (cranium).
    □Children learn a great deal through play.

  606. [throughout]
    □Plasma cells are distributed homogeneously throughout the lamina propia of the small intestine.

  607. [time]
    □About 50 people, ranging in age from children to the elderly, were in the church at the time.
    □Cloned animals often die at or near the time of birth.
    □The diagnosis is made at the time of routine physical examination.
    □The dinosaur is about four times as big as an African elephant.
    □The US is about twenty-five times as big as Japan.

  608. [total]
    □A total of 250 fundic gland polyps were included in this study.

  609. [toward]
    □Cilia of the laryngeal epithelium beat toward the pharynx.

  610. [transmit]
    □In the eastern USA, Rocky Mountain spotted fever is transmitted by the dog ticks.
    □SARS is transmitted from person to person predominantly by the aerosolized or droplet route.
    □Some of the rickettsial diseases are transmitted by the ticks.
    □The hypoglossal canal is a bony canal in the occipital bone of the skull that transmits the hypoglossal nerve.

  611. [treat]
    □Brain surgery treats lesions of the brain and its surrounding structures through an opening (craniotomy) in the skull (cranium).
    □The lesion is treated by conservative excision.

  612. [treatment]
    □Contraceptive measures should be employed during treatment.
    □No effective treatment is known.
    □No treatment is indicated for pelvic or calceal stones that cause few or no symptoms and produce no obstruction.
    □Sterilization may be accomplished by filtration or treatment with microbicidal agents.
    □Surgical excision is the treatment of choice.
    □The treatment for oral cancer is surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.
    □The treatment of the enormous numbers of cases also is impractical both economically and therapeutically.
    □The patient with decreased liver function can present problems in regard to dental treatment.
    □The lesion do not respond to treatment but disappears spontaneously.
    □The lesion requires no treatment.
    □The lesion usually regress without treatment.
    □There is no specific treatment.
    Treatment consists of excision.
    Treatment of a lipoma consists of excision, which is curative.
    Treatment of denture stomatitis consists of rigid attention to oral hygiene and removal of the dentures at night.

  613. [try]
    try a wax denture,

  614. [type]
    □Various types of synovial or bursal cysts occur.
    □Viral pneumonias are of the interstitial type.

  615. [typically]
    □Pericarditis is typically associated with an exudate in the pericardial cavity.

  616. [ultimately]
    □Inhibition of telomerase in immortal cells results in telomere attrition and ultimately cell death.
    □Inhibition of telomerase in malignant cells in vitro results in telomere shortening and ultimately cell death.

  617. [unable]
    □The human body is unable to generate all substances necessary for the production of cells.

  618. [under]
    □An optic nerve sheath fenestration is usually performed bilaterally under general anesthesia.
    □The cause of death was under investigation and an autopsy would be done on Friday.
    Under direct vision,
    Under normal circumstances,
    Under normal conditions, the pleural space remains a potential rather than an actual space.

  619. [understand]
    □The role of telomerase activity in tumor progression in fibrosarcomas is not well understood.

  620. [union]
    □Marriage is defined as the union of a man and a woman.

  621. [unless]
    □Germany warned it would think twice about importing more gas unless Moscow could prove it was a reliable supplier.
    □Symptoms are likely to return when the medication is stopped unless behavioral therapy is incorporated into treatment.
    □Cod could be extinct within 15 years unless governments rein in fishing of the species.
    Unless otherwise stated, data are expressed as the median and range.

  622. [unlike]
    Unlike the peptic ulcer, stress ulcers may first be recognized by gastrointestinal bleeding.

  623. [until]
    □Clinicians should save any available clinical specimens (respiratory, blood, and serum) for additional testing until a specific diagnosis is made.
    □Infection cannot be eradicated until the stone and its cause are removed.
    □Insulin coma therapy was a commonly used therapy for schizophrenia from the 1930s until the first antipsychotic drugs were discovered in the 1950s.
    □The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ that stores about 50 ml of bile until the body needs it for digestion.
    □The lysates were heated at 95C for 10 minutes and stored at -20C until subjected to a PCR reaction.
    Until the mode of transmission has been defined more precisely, eye protection also should be worn for all patient contact.

  624. [up to]
    □The incubation period for infectious mononucleosis is up to 7 weeks.

  625. [urge]
    □The government issued a travel warning early this month urging people to put off non-urgent trips to Hong Kong.

  626. [use]
    □It may be used in conjunction with antimicrobial drug.
    □Paraformaldehyde is used as a source of formaldehyde.
    □Pharyngoscope is an instrument used for inspection of the mucous membrane of the pharynx.
    □Plasma insulin was measured using ELISA kit.
    □Ribs are used as a source of bone in reconstructive surgery.
    □The attached cells were harvested by trypsinization and counted using a hemocytometer.
    □Women using oral contraceptives are considerably less likely to develop ovarian cysts than those not taking the pill.

  627. [usually]
    □Microbial toxins are usually grouped as exotoxins or endotoxins.
    □The estimation of body temperature is usually carry out by means of the clinical thermometer.

  628. [vanish]
    □Hunger appears when the stomach is empty and vanishes once the stomach is filled with food.

  629. [variable]
    □The microscopic features of a melanoma are highly variable.

  630. [various]
    Various types of synovial or bursal cysts occur.

  631. [vary]
    □It has been found that the nerve supply of this organ varies from species to species.
    □The amount of intestinal gas varies normally from individual to individual.
    □The microscopic appearance of a melanoma are quite varied.
    □The size and density of this compartment varies greatly from tissue to tissue.
    □The thymus varies in size and development with the age of the individual.

  632. [visualize]
    □Morphologists have found that certain cationic dyes such as toluidine blue could help them to visualize proteoglycan at the light and electron microscopic level.

  633. [warn]
    □The World Health Organization warned that China still lacked the equipment and expertise to fight the disease.

  634. [warning]
    □Aortic dissection is a rare medical disaster that can strike without warning.

  635. [wear]
    □If you take part in contact sports such as rugby, always wear a guard to protect both your appliances and your teeth.

  636. [weigh]
    □Each day, 24 h food consumption was determined by weighing food supplied and that left over.
    □The device weighs less than 0.95 kg and can be connected to a laptop computer.
    □The liver is the heaviest gland in the body, weighing about 1.5 kg.

  637. [well]
    □In majority of the cases the cancer was well differentiated.

  638. [what]
    □The journalist must write only what is true.

  639. [when]
    □Fas is a cell surface receptor that mediates apoptosis when it reacts with Fas ligand.
    □Oxytocin causes strong contractions of the uterus when given at term.
    □Shock may occur when endotoxin is circulating in the bloostream.
    □The nuclei of cartilage cells are rounded or ovoid in form when they are well preseved during fixation.
    □The prognosis is generally good with infections localized to the lungs, except when they are caused by drug-resistant bacteria.
    □The statistical associations were considered significant when the p-value was <0.05.
    When the 5-year-old boy ran home bleeding and weeping, his family first thought he had injured himself in a fall.
    When some chemicals are dissolved, heat may be either generated or absorbed from the surroundings.

  640. [whereas]
    □Collagenous and elastic fibers in general are colored only faintly by the PAS technique, whereas reticular fibers are strongly positive.
    □She suffered high fever and jaundice but survived, whereas her sister died 12 days later.

  641. [which]
    □Cerebral Aqueduct is a narrow channel through the midbrain which connects the third and fourth ventricles.
    □Man is the only host in which maturation occurs.
    □Side effect is the secondary consequence for which an agent is implemented.

  642. [while]
    While the health risks of tobacco are well known, several studies have shown that people with a history of cigarette smoking have lower rates of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's.
    □You should try to maintain consistent temperature and humidity settings in the room while this test is being performed.

  643. [who]
    □A British study has found that students who are younger than their classmates are more likely to have pstchiatric disorders.
    □Most of the deaths were among workers who were exposed to the asbesto decades ago.
    □People who regularly drink alcohol are more likely to smoke cigarettes.
    □The disease was diagnosed in a 78-year-old woman who was admitted to hospital with fever and hip pain.
    □The patient is a 28 year old female who was diagnosed with gastritis four years ago.

  644. [whom]
    □Of the 75 cases for whom serologic testing for measles was reported, 70 were serologically confirmed.

  645. [whose]
    □It is probable that many eye diseases whose etiology is at present unknown are of viral origin.

  646. [widely]
    □The tumor can metastasize and should be widely excised.

  647. [with]
    □A child with leukemia may bruise easily or have increased bleeding from small cuts.
    □Clinically the disease is a respiratory infection with fever, prostration, and muscle pains.
    □Note xanthoma cells with distended foamy cytoplasm.
    □Patients who experience a foreign body of the cornea generally present with mild, moderate, or occasionally severe pain.
    □The pharynx is anesthetized with topical anesthesia.
    □Ultrathin sections were prepared with a diamond knife.

  648. [withdraw]
    □Five milliliters of venous blood is withdrawn and allowed to clot in a test tube.

  649. [within]
    □Patients may lose their sight if they receive nitrous oxide anesthesia within one month after having retinal surgery.
    □Replication of measles virus within the host cell is similar to replication of paramyxoviruses.

  650. [without]
    □A special effort has been made to present the material succinctly but without sacrificing clarity.
    □Aortic dissection is a rare medical disaster that can strike without warning.
    □In an emergency, it may be necessary to proceed without waiting for x-ray films.
    □The lesion usually regress without treatment.

  651. [work]
    □Recent work has stressed the cellular control of mineralization.
    □It does not work at all.

  652. [would]
    □Should such a day come, everything would be different. (もし、そのような日が本当にきたら、すべてが変わる)

  653. [wound]
    □Neither patient was seriously wounded.
    □The mine blast has wounded 54 people.

  654. [yield]
    □Compressing the gland will yield a purulent discharge at the duct orifice.
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